Header Tags

The headers tags are used to display titles, subtitles, and etc. Displayed below are the main 6 header tags!(The only 6!)

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
  • The list runs from largest to smallest
  • To use the tags, border them with with < & > for the opening tag and < / & > for the closing tag.
  • It can look something like this: < h1 > < / h1 >
  • Text Tags

    These tags, and every other tag in HTML are formatted as shown in the header tags. These are used for the text in the main body.

    The tags below are just some of the many text tags there are.

    p, ul, ol, li, i, b
  • < p > < / p >: This is the man tag used for text and paragraph writing
  • < ul > < / ul >: This tag is used around unordered(bulleted) list tags
  • < ol > < / ol >: This tag is used around ordered(numbered) list tags
  • < li > < / li >:This tag is used for the actual list lines. The tag around this text is actually a list tag!
  • < i > < / i >: This tag is used to italize text.
  • < b > < / b >: This tag is used to make text bold.
  • Form Tags

    This are some tags used in creating forms!

    form, div, button, [type= "submit", "radio", etc.]
  • < form > < / form >: Creates the form
  • < div >< / div >: Creates different sections
  • < button >< / button >: Creates buttons!
  • type = "": can create different types of options, buttons, and etc.; radio: option button, checkbox: checkbox, submit: submits to a different site
  • Inputs in Tags

    These are used for created different types, mentioned above, used to collaborate with JavaScript, and etc.

    name = "", type = "", value = ""
  • type = "": used to format different kinds of text and buttons
  • value = "": adds a value to tag
  • Color

    In CSS, you can change the color of all the differen elements your created in the HTML.

    Below are some ways, and general pattern in how the color codes are presented.

    color background-color border-color
  • color{}: changes the color of the writing
  • background-color: changes the color of the background of the writing or body of element
  • border-color: changes the color of the border around the writing
  • Layout

    These are different ways to format the layout in CSS. You can change the placement, center, and overall the way things are formatted!

    Below are the different ways to change the layout!

    margin-top,margin-left,margin-right,margin-bottom padding-top,padding-left,padding-right,padding-bottom font-size, font-weight, width, height display: (block, flex)
  • margin: changes how farther the text is up, down, left or right. This is only for text
  • padding: changes how farther the images or butons is up, down, left or right.
  • size, weight, width, length: changes the size of different text, image, etc. elements.
  • Animation

    Animation on CSS allows you to move elements around inl live action and have changing color, layout, etc. elements

    @keyframes {0%, 50%, 100%} animation-duration:
  • this is how you can change the animation at different segments for a full movement. You can also change the duration in terms of time.
  • Flexbox

    Flexbox is another way to change the format of different elements

    Below are some of the ways

    Justify-content:, align-content, align-text:,
  • These CSS tools are used to center, brings things to the end and more!